Surreptitious messages, concealed myths, and historical truths lie hidden in the great works of the Italian Renaissance, behind heavy gold leaf and religious
47.82 €
86.95 €
Экономия 39.13 €
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47.82 €
86.95 €
Экономия 39.13 €
В корзину
Jack London (1876 - 1916) was an American novelist, journalist and social activist. Pioneering the genre of magazine fiction and prototyping science fiction, he became one of the first writers, who gained worldwide fame and a large fortune. 'Smoke Bellew'
11.52 €
20.95 €
Экономия 9.43 €
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11.52 €
20.95 €
Экономия 9.43 €
В корзину
Charlotte Bronte was an English novelist and poet, the eldest of the three Bronte sisters who survived into adulthood and whose novels have become classics of English literature. Jane Eyre, is a novel by Charlotte Bronte, first published in 1847 under the
22.52 €
40.95 €
Экономия 18.43 €
Варианты цен
22.52 €
40.95 €
Экономия 18.43 €
В корзину
Daniel Defoe was an English trader, writer, pamphleteer and journalist. He is most famous for his novel 'Robinson Crusoe', which is second only to the Bible in its number of translations. In A Journal of the Plague Year Defoe vividly chronicles the progre
15.29 €
27.80 €
Экономия 12.51 €
Варианты цен
15.29 €
27.80 €
Экономия 12.51 €
В корзину
Travel through 500 years of history in this fascinating sticker book. Children will enjoy decorating a wide range of houses, including a Tudor farmhouse, Renaissance chateau, Georgian town house and 1940s wartime house. With over 425 stickers of furniture
16.39 €
29.80 €
Экономия 13.41 €
Варианты цен
16.39 €
29.80 €
Экономия 13.41 €
В корзину
Захватывающая история любви и мести разворачивается на фоне исторических событий бурного XVI века. Испанская дворянка Луиса де Гарсия, вышедшая замуж за англичанина, погибает от руки своего брата, Хуана де Гарсия, успев предсказать, что тот будет убит ее
4.29 €
7.80 €
Экономия 3.51 €
Варианты цен
4.29 €
7.80 €
Экономия 3.51 €
В корзину
9.79 €
17.80 €
Экономия 8.01 €
Варианты цен
9.79 €
17.80 €
Экономия 8.01 €
В корзину
Have you ever imagined a different life?
Have you ever stood at a crossroads, undecided? Have you ever had a moment when you wanted to roar?
A story for every woman.
A story for every moment.
Whether you want to laugh
To be moved
To love
To feel l
Have you ever stood at a crossroads, undecided? Have you ever had a moment when you wanted to roar?
A story for every woman.
A story for every moment.
Whether you want to laugh
To be moved
To love
To feel l
16.39 €
29.80 €
Экономия 13.41 €
Варианты цен
16.39 €
29.80 €
Экономия 13.41 €
В корзину
Access 2 is designed exclusively for students studying English at Elementary level. It follows the principles of the Council of Europe Common Framework
14.74 €
26.80 €
Экономия 12.06 €
Варианты цен
14.74 €
26.80 €
Экономия 12.06 €
В корзину
A classic fairy tale with a new, elegant and interactive design. Six die-cut laser-engraved pages enrich the reading with magical details.
31.79 €
57.80 €
Экономия 26.01 €
Варианты цен
31.79 €
57.80 €
Экономия 26.01 €
В корзину
From the bestselling author of How to Train Your Dragon comes an exciting high-adventure series - set in an ancient, magical time, full of Wizards, Warriors, Giants and Sprites.
#1 Sunday Times Bestseller
Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award
This is the
#1 Sunday Times Bestseller
Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award
This is the
27.39 €
49.80 €
Экономия 22.41 €
Варианты цен
27.39 €
49.80 €
Экономия 22.41 €
В корзину
The Axel Scheffler Pocket Library is a gorgeous set of small format board books stored in a handy slipcase. Children will love to join in with Pip the Puppy, Lizzy the Lamb, Katie the Kitten and Freddy the Frog for lots of fun! With rhyming text and deli
14.19 €
25.80 €
Экономия 11.61 €
Варианты цен
14.19 €
25.80 €
Экономия 11.61 €
В корзину
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.
'Instead of the cross, the Albatross
About my neck was hung'
'Instead of the cross, the Albatross
About my neck was hung'
8.14 €
14.80 €
Экономия 6.66 €
Варианты цен
8.14 €
14.80 €
Экономия 6.66 €
В корзину
Готически-юмористическая новелла Оскара Уайльда об американской семье, купившей древний английский замок. Со столь же древним проклятием в виде привидения
4.37 €
7.95 €
Экономия 3.58 €
Варианты цен
4.37 €
7.95 €
Экономия 3.58 €
В корзину
Джеймс Джойс – не только один из самых известных классиков мировой литературы XIX-XX веков, но и ярчайший представитель модернизма, обладающий изысканным
5.14 €
9.35 €
Экономия 4.21 €
Варианты цен
5.14 €
9.35 €
Экономия 4.21 €
В корзину
«Аня из Авонлеи» – очередной бестселлер известной канадской писательницы Люси Монтгомери, продолжающий увлекательное повествование о судьбе девочки-сироты.
19.99 €
36.35 €
Экономия 16.36 €
Варианты цен
19.99 €
36.35 €
Экономия 16.36 €
В корзину
'In Persuasion, Jane Austen picks up the pen to tell us who we are and what we want'
Eight years ago Anne Elliot bowed to pressure from
Eight years ago Anne Elliot bowed to pressure from
18.42 €
33.50 €
Экономия 15.08 €
Варианты цен
18.42 €
33.50 €
Экономия 15.08 €
В корзину
Right On! 2 is a challenging course for learners at CEFR Level A2. The course provides stimulating topics and rich texts in themed modules and aims to
18.12 €
32.95 €
Экономия 14.83 €
Варианты цен
18.12 €
32.95 €
Экономия 14.83 €
В корзину
By the Nobel Prize-winning author of The Remains of the Day and Never Let Me Go
Shortlisted for the Booker Prize
England, the 1930s. Christopher
Shortlisted for the Booker Prize
England, the 1930s. Christopher
17.49 €
31.80 €
Экономия 14.31 €
Варианты цен
17.49 €
31.80 €
Экономия 14.31 €
В корзину
Howard Lovecraft was an American writer who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. Despite the fact that he was virtually
7.04 €
12.80 €
Экономия 5.76 €
Варианты цен
7.04 €
12.80 €
Экономия 5.76 €
В корзину