Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 — 1930) was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. This book includes two great science
7.98 €
14.50 €
Экономия 6.52 €
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7.98 €
14.50 €
Экономия 6.52 €
В корзину
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 —1927) was an English writer and humourist. An interesting and entertaining account of a life led in the literary circles of
13.39 €
24.35 €
Экономия 10.96 €
Варианты цен
13.39 €
24.35 €
Экономия 10.96 €
В корзину
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist. 'Plain Tales from the Hills' was his first volume of prose
12.18 €
22.15 €
Экономия 9.97 €
Варианты цен
12.18 €
22.15 €
Экономия 9.97 €
В корзину
Wilkie Collins was an English novelist, playwright, and short story writer. Written in the early 1860s, No Name was rejected as immoral by critics of its
20.08 €
36.50 €
Экономия 16.42 €
Варианты цен
20.08 €
36.50 €
Экономия 16.42 €
В корзину
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 — 1930) was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. 'Micah Clarke' is a historical adventure
13.83 €
25.15 €
Экономия 11.32 €
Варианты цен
13.83 €
25.15 €
Экономия 11.32 €
В корзину
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell was an English novelist, biographer, and short story writer. Wives and Daughters is far more than a nostalgic evocation of village
18.67 €
33.95 €
Экономия 15.28 €
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18.67 €
33.95 €
Экономия 15.28 €
В корзину
F.S. Fitzgerald was an American writer, whose works illustrate the Jazz Age. Taps at Reveille is a collection of brilliant short stories, including The
23.18 €
42.15 €
Экономия 18.97 €
Варианты цен
23.18 €
42.15 €
Экономия 18.97 €
В корзину
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 — 1930) was an English writer best known for his detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. 'Round the Red Lamp' is a splendid collection
13.47 €
24.50 €
Экономия 11.03 €
Варианты цен
13.47 €
24.50 €
Экономия 11.03 €
В корзину
Jonathan Swift (1667—1745) was an Irish satirist, essayist, prose writer and poet, who has found his calling as a cleric of St Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin.
11.08 €
20.15 €
Экономия 9.07 €
Варианты цен
11.08 €
20.15 €
Экономия 9.07 €
В корзину
Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) was an English writer. He was prolific in many genres, writing dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary,
14.03 €
25.50 €
Экономия 11.47 €
Варианты цен
14.03 €
25.50 €
Экономия 11.47 €
В корзину
'The art of Frida Kahlo is a ribbon around a bomb' - Andre Breton.
Frida Kahlo learned about suffering at an early age. She contracted polio when she
Frida Kahlo learned about suffering at an early age. She contracted polio when she
44.28 €
80.50 €
Экономия 36.22 €
Варианты цен
44.28 €
80.50 €
Экономия 36.22 €
В корзину
Рассказы о приключениях короля Артура и рыцарей Круглого стола написаны доступным языком и предназначены для чтения школьниками и всеми, владеющими английским
5.39 €
9.80 €
Экономия 4.41 €
Варианты цен
5.39 €
9.80 €
Экономия 4.41 €
В корзину
Agatha Christie's most famous murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and
36.38 €
66.15 €
Экономия 29.77 €
Варианты цен
36.38 €
66.15 €
Экономия 29.77 €
В корзину
Space is very big. It's full of planets, comets, stars and asteroids. People have gone into Space and they have visited the moon!
Ladybird Readers is
Ladybird Readers is
15.48 €
28.15 €
Экономия 12.67 €
Варианты цен
15.48 €
28.15 €
Экономия 12.67 €
В корзину
Энтони Берджесс - английский прозаик, поэт, литературовед, лингвист и композитор - по праву считается одним из величайших интеллектуалов своего времени.
9.98 €
18.15 €
Экономия 8.17 €
Варианты цен
9.98 €
18.15 €
Экономия 8.17 €
В корзину
Henri Lefebvre is widely recognized as one of the most influential social theorists of the Twentieth Century. His writings on cities, everyday life, and
51.78 €
94.15 €
Экономия 42.37 €
Варианты цен
51.78 €
94.15 €
Экономия 42.37 €
В корзину
Build up your brainpower with this fun and engaging maths activity book for kids! It's packed with accessible and imaginative games and puzzles. If you're
16.69 €
30.35 €
Экономия 13.66 €
Варианты цен
16.69 €
30.35 €
Экономия 13.66 €
В корзину
'Полторы комнаты' - одно из самых известных эссе Иосифа Бродского (1940-1996), великого поэта, драматурга, мыслителя, лауреата Нобелевской премии по литературе
5.22 €
9.50 €
Экономия 4.28 €
Варианты цен
5.22 €
9.50 €
Экономия 4.28 €
В корзину
Where has Peter Rabbit gone? Play a fun game of hide and seek with much-loved characters from the world of Beatrix Potter as you look for naughty Peter!
24.94 €
45.35 €
Экономия 20.41 €
Варианты цен
24.94 €
45.35 €
Экономия 20.41 €
В корзину
Родители Эллы против животных в доме, а девочка с первого взгляда полюбила Пушинку. Маленькая робкая кошечка хотела бы стать котёнком Эллы. Она готова
5.58 €
10.15 €
Экономия 4.57 €
Варианты цен
5.58 €
10.15 €
Экономия 4.57 €
В корзину